Investigator-Sponsored Trials
Savara is committed to supporting independent research that is aligned with Savara’s area of research interest.
Areas of interest:
- Preclinical work on the role of GM-CSF in inflammation, infection, and fibrosis
- Quality of Life (QoL) of patients with aPAP
- Understanding diagnostic challenges of aPAP
- Long-term impact of aPAP
- Patient perspectives/outcomes in the management of aPAP

Investigators from the scientific and academic communities may submit proposals to GlobalMedicalAffairs@savarapharma.com.
Submissions should include the following information:
- Background/Rationale/Hypothesis
- Trial objectives
- Trial design
- Patient population (if applicable)
- Description of tests/procedures to be performed
- Statistical considerations
- Proposed timelines
- Itemized budget
- Justification for all costs
- Publication plans
- Curriculum Vitae of principal investigator
- Full contact information for Principal Investigator (complete street mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address)
Proposals will be reviewed for scientific merit and alignment with our medical strategies, among other factors. Review or submission of an ISR proposal or protocol does not imply or guarantee approval. Any support provided from Savara is contingent upon an executed research agreement. Support of a study in no way implies any obligation toward or is any way connected to the recommendation or prescribing of products.
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