Corporate Governance
Governance Documents
- Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
- Audit Committee Charter
- Compensation Committee Charter
- Nominating and Governance Committee Charter
- Corporate Governance Guidelines
- Human Rights and Labor Standards Policy
Reporting Hotline
We have established a toll-free hotline and web-based service to enable anonymous reporting by our employees and consultants of concerns regarding, among other things, our accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, falsification of contracts, reports or records, fraud, discrimination, ethical issues, company policy violations, unsafe working conditions, or other matters relating to improper conduct of the company or an individual employee or consultant. The hotline is managed by an independent third-party and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (800) 398-1496 or lighthouse-services.com/savarapharma. Concerns and complaints submitted through the hotline/web-based service are referred to the chair of the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors.
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